Wednesday, May 12, 2010


If you'd like to commission a piece of art, be it a plush or a portrait, have in mind these few things before you start the email:

Amigurumi: Have in mind general color scheme and what animal you'd like. You can get as detailed as you like. Suggestions in sizing or any other area are helpful (don't worry about being too choosy! We'll work together, and I'll be sure to tell you what I can and can't do).

Portraits: Have AT LEAST one picture of the person that you want drawn able to be emailed. I would prefer a variety of poses, just because I like being able to choose the picture that I think is most expressive; however, that is a preference. I require that the photos be of high quality - clear, not grainy, with very little to no blurring of the main image. As to whether or not the photos should be professional... go ahead and take a few shots of the person with your own camera. Find one where they're laughing, or performing, doing something that defines them. The emotion will come out in the portrait.

In General: I am not a professional. I'm going to give you my opinion, and I reserve the right to refuse a commission. However, I'm willing to work with a customer to reach an agreement, and to a point, adjust the merchandise before it becomes a final product. If requested, I will send photos of the project as it progresses, and any ideas as to how to alter it. I intend to give the customer's money's worth.

Prices, for now, will be negotiated.

By sending me an email with a commission (please state the word "commission" somewhere in the subject!), you are acknowledging these prerequisites and fully understand the terms of our relationship as craftsman and customer.

You can contact me at .

About Me

If you've come to this site, there's one of two options:

1) You were bumping around on the internet and happened to stumble here

2) You were directed here by someone else, who was directed here or stumbled here, etc., etc.

Either way, welcome! I heartily thank you for giving me a second glance, and I hope you enjoy your stay. I'm a chemical engineer major, currently in my early years of college, but I have a quiet love for the arts. I've just recently stumbled across this treasure-trove of talent.

And I only say that because I've had people hammering in the fact that this is impressive stuff for the last month and a half.

Being a college student, I'm short on funds. I'm relatively intelligent, currently in the Honors College at the university that I go to, and have a few scholarships that way. I'm working summer co-ops as well. Why did I decide to set up a small shop?

I enjoy making things and drawing things. I love learning about someone from what they request or the picture they send. I truly am passionate about having people see my work and find pleasure in it, making someone smile. Each project, whether it's an amigurumi or a portrait, takes hours of work.

Don't get me wrong; I adore the work. But it is hours subtracted from my studies and other areas of my life that could do with the attention. Working on becoming an adult means I need funds. I'm not going to charge outrageous prices. However, I want to make some profit, so that I can continue to provide this service for others. If it's successful, I might change my approach.

For now, though, that's who I am. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at .


I made this plush as a commission for my sister. She requested the colors. It looks more like a platypus-bunny-dog-thing, but it's also my second plush ever, and the second amigurumi, and the improvement between Midori and Bunny is vast. Bunny was made completely free-hand.


This was just a test run; it's my first plush ever, and the first time I've experimented with the amigurumi style of plush, as well. His name is Japanese for "Green", and the little guy is loosely based off a free pattern I found on a crocheting pattern.